Thursday, October 06, 2005

Nosmo King

Hello and welcome to the six o'clock news,
Breaking news, just in. Laurel Baillie, upon entering Marion Graham school and walking through the hall, happened upon a strange and unusual thought- "I love shool". Those three simple words were thought in her head at aproxomately 8:26 am this october morning, marking the death of her lonerism. it was proven, in an online quiz that Laurel was 94% loner at school. With a complete turnaround in attitude at school today will mark the day that laurel enjoys school.

Ok, ok ok, so thats going at bit too far. BUT I did think it. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME! I swear, in the night I got abducted by aliens and had a mind transplant with an alien, therfore creating me into some school loving wierdo. I don't know if I can handle the thought of this.

In other news, Grandma is buisy making pie while mom stands at the sink doing something forign and unusual (like normal). and Jeremy and Mark are changing the tires on BOTH the truck and the Van. Nathan is thouroughly enjoying his math/science class with a group of morons, and Dad is bored out of his mind at the hopital, reading a book, drinking broth, and having in depth convorsations about life with his old, senile female room-mates. how enjoyable.

Yeah, I don't have anything left to say. besides the fact that I am totally skrewed in math and the cursor is posessed... cus its mving accorss the screen, and I'm not moving it and neither is the mouse. I'm pretty convinced that aliens took over earth last night while we were all sleeping. thats all there is to it. we're all gonna die. and no, I'm not obsessed with death, cuz wouldn't I b e dead already? I just like the way it sounds.... DEATH.... DEath deATH deaTHHHHHHHHHHHHH (haha, hey dad, how many different ways can you say nosmo king? nosssssssmmmmmmmooooooo KING NOsmo king. noSMO KING nosmoking no smo king)
ok, thats enough, I'm done for the day. tootley-bye for now


At 8:05 PM, Blogger Dan King said...

read the comment on september 10th Laurel ... as if you slam me!?!

Hope you are well ... visit my blog sometime ...



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