Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Comment One

Thats right... I just comment one'd myself. for those of you who are unaware... Comment 1 is a statement made by the males of ODS-> 'Typical Woman'. Now, what is the fuss all about you ask? some would say nothing... to me, its everything (comment one).
They are calling it the Snowflake Ball. or something like that. More commonly known as the Annual Grade 12 Winter formal. Now.... The poster clearly states that the $15 admission fee gets you a turkey dinner and a dance, to be escorted by your escort who may or may not be from another school. Now, the unspoken rules are as follows:
1) if you do not go... you are commiting social sucide
2) If you do go, and are NOT escorted, you are commiting homicide on the fun that you will [not] be having.
3) If you go, and your escort is of the same sex (like... going as friends) you are commiting DOUBLE social suicide, because you are labelled from then on out as a homosexual.
4) its formal... dress FORMAL. and by formal I mean buy another grad dress.

Whats the problem? shell out $30, grab a guy, put on your dress and GO! you say to me. HELL NO! thats not how it works for me. where does the $30 come from is the first issue at hand. THEN what am I going to wear? and where is THAT money comming from? and then.... who am I going to ask? I must say my list of options inside AND outside of school are rather thin. I've asked Ashley... but that is STILL suicide. oh... don't worry, a guy will ask you. you say. pffffft.... have I not mentioned that I am 94% loner?
oh... what do I do? I could avoid ALL of this and not go. and commit suicide. This is my ONE chance at breaking free from my loner cage.
and so yes... no man would ever have this inner turmoil. but I do. Comment one.

So this is my desperate plea... if you are male, and willing to sacrifice one saturday evening to get dressed up, eat turkey and dance with me, PLEASE let me know!
And my not so desperate plea... if you have a dress I could borrow.. or shoes, may I please borrow it?

I so desperately need your help.



At 9:23 AM, Blogger steph said...

You should ask brooke shultz. if you remember her at all. Im not sure if you met her. buts shes your size and graduated last year.
if you want i could ask her for you:)

At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! laurel
FYI.. no its not social suicide! i happen to know ppl that
a) are not comeing
b) do not have escorts (barley anyone acully dose.. i think it would be more fun to go alone than with some random guy)
c) i know of about 3 groups of single girls all goign together! and you and welcome to come with me and my loner girls group!
so anyway back to my point.. what was my point? of right! most of the people i know are just going in groups for the most part all female groups. and you are welcome to come with me and which ever group i go with! it will be fun.. and that just cut your cost to $15.. as for the dress.. i do know alot of ppl that are goign rather expensive.. but some people are goign more casual.. moms making my dress so its cheep.. but many ppl are goign more casual than grad dress types! anyway we should do something! dont see you around much!

At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

k sorry for that rambling long long comment there.. dont stress about it! its gonna be fun!

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i was a guy...should i cut my hair?


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