Sunday, November 13, 2005

And you said, I'm Falling Falling for you Babe, and my Feelings are Getting Stronger

This weekend... I continued to descover who I am. what I like to do. We spent the weekend in Maidstone, which was kidna fun. I went for a couple of walks, and took a few rad pictures. I hope they turn out... because if they turn out good... I think I've decided that photography is my thing. thats what I like to do. I also think It'd be great... to take my boring life as it is, my journey of becoming who I am, and write a book, and put some of my pictures in it.
I'm learning how to dream. To dream big dreams, but ones I can reach. ones I can accomplish. and as I slowly reach my goals, life starts to feel good again. I feel like my life has meaning, and that the hours spent in desks aren't so bad, becuase the minutes between desks are becoming more bearable.

Isn't it so funny how some days can be so good, and others so bad? The other day I begged God for one Good Day. Just one. he gave me three. Somtimes, when things get really bad, or seem really bad, I think God just wants us down on our knees, on the verge, or AT the state of brokenness... being real with him. Thats all he wants from us, is for us to be real, to cut the crap that we call prayer, and just talk to him. Thats what I did the other day. I talked with my God. Ok, so maybe I swore at him. But I was real. I said what I wanted and needed to say and cut the crap.

Well... thats my thoughts for now.

My window is open
And I'm still waiting for Peter Pan



At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

amazing and exactly what i needed to hear. I've been getting pretty 'real' with God myself lately.

At 5:28 AM, Blogger zachary said...

hey laurel.

yea I didnt really have time to read your blog this morning but I was just leaving one on my thing. I saw your comment about talking sometime. I would totally be up for that cause I dont really do much anymore and yea. yea. I dont know what else I am saying other than its cool. loll. either way have a good day.


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